Gjest vioola Skrevet 23. januar 2004 Del Skrevet 23. januar 2004 som en svoren ringenes herre fan syntes jeg dette var veldig morsomt og ville dele det med dere! CNN Breaking News Minas Tirith, GONDOR— At his daily press briefing today, White Tower spokesman Peregrin Took issued a further warning on the brewing crisis in MidEarth. “It has been the policy of the Steward for some time that if Dark Lord Sauron does not disarm voluntarily, as the consensus of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth have demanded, then Gondor will lead a coalition of the willing to disarm him of his Rings of Power,” Took stated to a crowded press room. The response from Mordor was quick. “We do not have any Rings, we have never had any Rings, and we will never have any Rings,” the Mordorian Vice President Mouth of Sauron reiterated. Mordor was labeled as part of the “axis of evil” along with Dol Guldur and Isengard earlier this year by Steward Denethor in his State of the Kingdom speech. Along with the heated rhetoric coming from Minas Tirith and Barad’dur, there was diplomatic activity on other fronts. While neither Gondorian Foreign Minister Boromir nor Defense Minister Faramir would divulge information about the progress of the coalition building nor which countries have signaled strong support, senior White Tower officials have told CNN that currently only the Kingdom of Rohan has agreed to commit troops to any war. Other countries that have been approached include Lothlorien, Mirkwood, Eebor, Dale, Breeland, and Imladris. Low level contacts have been established with the customarily isolationist Shire in northwest Midearth. “It is not up for me to say, but rather for those countries themselves to characterize the level of their involvement,” Faramir stated at his daily Henneth Annun press conference, across the river from the White Tower. Talks concerning a right of passage agreement with Moria broke down late last year, but Henneth Annun officials believe that Moria would not offer more than moral support to Mordor in the event of war. Yesterday, the Rohan parliament voted overwhelmingly to send up to 5,000 regulars and reservists to participate in a multilateral action to disarm Mordor of its Rings of Power. Soon after, the Free People’s Association announced that the first two of its Rings Inspectors, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, would be arriving in Mordor late next week. They were quickly denounced by Barad’dur as Gondorian spies in a larger Numenorean plot. Inspectors were last in Mordor in the year 1640 of the Third Age, after the first War of the Ring. AP Wire stories were used in this report 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.doktoronline.no/topic/133857-mordor-i-fremtiden/ Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
citoyen Skrevet 23. januar 2004 Del Skrevet 23. januar 2004 Denne historien er hentet fra http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?s=ce24f67f4391402642140618dcde1e00&threadid=138905&perpage=50&pagenumber=1 - anbefalt lesning, og nok innlegg til at man ikke trenger å kjede seg på nett de neste ukene. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar https://forum.doktoronline.no/topic/133857-mordor-i-fremtiden/#findComment-826830 Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
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