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En sommerkveld når tankene er fylt med uløselige konflikter, -hva gjør du?

Anbefalte innlegg

Gjest st.hansblomst

1. La tankene komme om alle de grusomme ting og konflikter du har del i, og hate deg for det.

2. Mediterer under dyna, og forsvinne fra verden.

3. Oppsøke en lege for å forsøke å få han til å skrive ut sløvende smertestillende til deg.

4. Eventuelt drikke deg full av selvmedlidenhet og smerte.

5. Telle sekunder og minutter og timer til en ny dag, som forsøk på selvhypnose.

6. Forsøke å gjenvinne kontrollen ved å lage en uoppnåelig perfekt fremtidsplan.

7. Gå ut, lage et bål, brenne en uoppnåelig fremtidsplan, mens du ler hensynsløst inn i flammene.

8. Flytte fokus vekk ved å gå en tur i skogen, plukke blomster, og prøve å innstille deg på at det er en fin kveld.

9. Forsøke å filosofere fritt over den merkelige verden og hvordan alt henger sammen.

10. Dyrke en interesse for bedre humør som å se rare, svette menn på tv løpe etter en ball på en stor, åpen plass.

Fortsetter under...


11.Sitter og leser og svarer på innlegg på DOL?

Svar: Nummer 11.

12. Stikker innom DOL,

Røker vannpipe, sender jevnlig tanker til høybråten om å brenne i helvete,

Samt synger med til Safkas`


Look what they done to my song, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Well it's the only thing that I could do half right

And it's turning out all wrong, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Look what they done to my brain, Ma

Look what they done to my brain

Well they picked it like a chicken bone

And I think I'm half insane, Ma

Look what they done to my song

I wish I could find a good book, to live in

Wish I could find a good book

Well if I could find a real good book

I'd never have to come out and look at

What they done to my song

La da da da da da da da

La da da da da da da da

La da da la da da, la da da da da da

Look what they done to my song

But maybe it'll all be alright, Ma

Maybe it'll all be okay

Well if the people are buying tears

I'll be rich someday, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Ils ont change ma chanson, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

C'est la seule chose que je peux faire

Et ce n'est pas bon, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

Look what they done to my song, ma

Look what they done to my song. Ma

Well they tied it up in a plastic bag

And turned it upside down

Look what they done do my song

Ils ont change ma chanson, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

C'est la seule chose que je peux faire

Et ce n'est pas bon, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

Look what they done to my song, ma

Look what they done to my song

It's the only thing I could do alright

and they turned it upside down oh Ma

Look what they done to my song.

12. Stikker innom DOL,

Røker vannpipe, sender jevnlig tanker til høybråten om å brenne i helvete,

Samt synger med til Safkas`


Look what they done to my song, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Well it's the only thing that I could do half right

And it's turning out all wrong, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Look what they done to my brain, Ma

Look what they done to my brain

Well they picked it like a chicken bone

And I think I'm half insane, Ma

Look what they done to my song

I wish I could find a good book, to live in

Wish I could find a good book

Well if I could find a real good book

I'd never have to come out and look at

What they done to my song

La da da da da da da da

La da da da da da da da

La da da la da da, la da da da da da

Look what they done to my song

But maybe it'll all be alright, Ma

Maybe it'll all be okay

Well if the people are buying tears

I'll be rich someday, Ma

Look what they done to my song

Ils ont change ma chanson, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

C'est la seule chose que je peux faire

Et ce n'est pas bon, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

Look what they done to my song, ma

Look what they done to my song. Ma

Well they tied it up in a plastic bag

And turned it upside down

Look what they done do my song

Ils ont change ma chanson, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

C'est la seule chose que je peux faire

Et ce n'est pas bon, Ma

Ils ont change ma chanson

Look what they done to my song, ma

Look what they done to my song

It's the only thing I could do alright

and they turned it upside down oh Ma

Look what they done to my song.

Nå er det Melanie som synger den sangen altså og hun sang den under Woodstock *fornærmet på Melanies vegne*


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