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Kan AD-bruk føre til Dystoni?

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"Dystoni er et felles navn på en gruppe symptomer som kjennetegnes ved ufrivillig muskelaktivitet, som fører til gjentatte rykninger, muskelkramper og feilstillinger.

Tilstanden kan forekomme i en begrenset del av kroppen, som for eksempel øyelokkene, hals (fokal dystoni) eller et større område, som for eksempel armer eller ben (segmentell dystoni), flere deler av kroppen (multifokal dystoni), arm og ben på samme side av kroppen (hemidystoni) eller hele kroppen (generell dystoni).

Hva er galt?

Leger og forskere tror at de gjentatte spasmene og bevegelsesmønstrene _forårsakes_av_en_forstyrret_funksjon i en viss del av_hjernen. Denne del av hjernen fungerer som et kontrollsenter for bevegelser. Den sender beskjeder til musklene for å regulere deres bevegelser.

Hver bevegelse vi gjør består av nøye planlagte sammentrekninger i mange ulike muskler i en bestemt rekkefølge. Når det er "uorden" i denne del av hjernen, dras feil muskler sammen når man beveger seg, eller de arbeider når man ikke selv vil, og forårsaker dermed spasmer eller uregelmessige bevegelser.

Dystoni er en forstyrrelse av bevegelser. Andre hjernefunksjoner er normale.

Hva forårsaker dystoni?

Dessverre er de underliggende årsaker til dystoni ennå ikke kjent. Vi vet imidlertid at dystoni er vanligere hos kvinner enn hos menn, og at hode-og håndskjelving i noen tilfeller er arvelig. De fleste fokale dystonier oppstår hos voksne i alderen 35 - 50 år. En veldig liten del av dystonitilfellene forårsakes av ytre skade eller oppstår som en bivirkning av medisinbruk."

Kilde : http://www.dystonia-europe.org/norway/side2.htm

Er det rapportert av antidepressiver kan gi dysoni og er bivirkningen da reversibel? At AD forstyrrer hjernens oppgaver med å sende elektriske impulser slik at det oppstår flere, derav ufrivillig muskelaktivitet?

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Her etterlyser en spesialist i nevrologi og psykiatri pasienthistorier ang. dette:


Han skriver bl.a.:

Regarding SSRI induced dystonia, the three patients I am following with this condition all had onset of dystonia within 48 hours of starting Paxil (2) or Celexa (1). In all three cases symptoms got better when the drug was discontinued and in all three symptoms got worse when ?well meaning? physicians encouraged them to restart it. Despite the documentation of this syndrome in the literature I have found that movement disorder 'specialists' deny its existance. That is one reason I decided to post on this board.

Unfortunately the way medicine is currently practiced the physicians are not reflecting on what they see so much as repeating what the last drug rep told them. Most physicians literally fail to see the side effects from these drugs, even as their patients complain of them.

Han oppgir ellers disse kildene:

R.J. Leo, "Movement Disorders Associated with the SSRIs," Journal of Clinical

Psychiatry 57 (1996) 449-54;

R. Pies, "Serotonergic Agents and Extrapyramidal (neurological) Side

Effects," Psychiatric Times, January 1999, pp. 20-22;

R. Pies, "Must We Now consider SSRIs Neuroleptics?" Journal of Clinical

Psychopharmacology 17 (1997), pp. 443-45

J. Ichikawa and H. Y. Meltzer, "Effects of Antidepressants on Striatal

(involuntary motor system) and Accumbens (another region of the brain)

Extracellular Dopamine Levels," European Journal of Pharmacology 281 (1995),

pp 225-61

S.L. Dewey, G.S. Smith, J. Logan, D. Alexoff, Y.S. Ding, P. King, N. Pappas,

J.D. Broder, and C.R. Ashby, "Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine

Measured with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and In Vivo Microdialysis,"

Journal of Neuroscience 15 (1995), pp 821 - 29

K.J. Bhharucha and K.D. Sethi "Complex Movement Disorders Induced by

Fluoxetine," Movement Disorder 11 (1996) pp 324-26.

C.L. Budman and R.D. Bruun, "Persistent Dyskinesia in Patients Receiving

Fluoxetine," American Journal of Psychiatry 148 (1991), p 1403

F.J. Jimenez, J. Tejeiro, et al , "Parkinsonisn Exacerabated by Paroxetine,"

Neurology 44 (1194) p 2406

M. Berk, "Paroxetine Indusces Dystonia and Parkinsonism in Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder," Human Psychopharmacology 8 (1988) [suppl.4] S52-S56

L. Reccoppa, W.A. Welch, and M.R. Ware, "Acute Dystonia and Fluoxetine,"

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 51 (1990), p 487

A Dray,"Serotonin in Basal Ganglia: Functions and Interactions with Other

Neuronal Pathways," Journal of Physiology (Paris) 77 (1981) pp 393-403

D.K. Arya, "Extrapyramidal Symptoms[neurological side effects]with SSRIs,"

British Journal of Psychiatry 165 (1994) pp 728-33

Ja, det kan skje.



Her etterlyser en spesialist i nevrologi og psykiatri pasienthistorier ang. dette:


Han skriver bl.a.:

Regarding SSRI induced dystonia, the three patients I am following with this condition all had onset of dystonia within 48 hours of starting Paxil (2) or Celexa (1). In all three cases symptoms got better when the drug was discontinued and in all three symptoms got worse when ?well meaning? physicians encouraged them to restart it. Despite the documentation of this syndrome in the literature I have found that movement disorder 'specialists' deny its existance. That is one reason I decided to post on this board.

Unfortunately the way medicine is currently practiced the physicians are not reflecting on what they see so much as repeating what the last drug rep told them. Most physicians literally fail to see the side effects from these drugs, even as their patients complain of them.

Han oppgir ellers disse kildene:

R.J. Leo, "Movement Disorders Associated with the SSRIs," Journal of Clinical

Psychiatry 57 (1996) 449-54;

R. Pies, "Serotonergic Agents and Extrapyramidal (neurological) Side

Effects," Psychiatric Times, January 1999, pp. 20-22;

R. Pies, "Must We Now consider SSRIs Neuroleptics?" Journal of Clinical

Psychopharmacology 17 (1997), pp. 443-45

J. Ichikawa and H. Y. Meltzer, "Effects of Antidepressants on Striatal

(involuntary motor system) and Accumbens (another region of the brain)

Extracellular Dopamine Levels," European Journal of Pharmacology 281 (1995),

pp 225-61

S.L. Dewey, G.S. Smith, J. Logan, D. Alexoff, Y.S. Ding, P. King, N. Pappas,

J.D. Broder, and C.R. Ashby, "Serotonergic Modulation of Striatal Dopamine

Measured with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and In Vivo Microdialysis,"

Journal of Neuroscience 15 (1995), pp 821 - 29

K.J. Bhharucha and K.D. Sethi "Complex Movement Disorders Induced by

Fluoxetine," Movement Disorder 11 (1996) pp 324-26.

C.L. Budman and R.D. Bruun, "Persistent Dyskinesia in Patients Receiving

Fluoxetine," American Journal of Psychiatry 148 (1991), p 1403

F.J. Jimenez, J. Tejeiro, et al , "Parkinsonisn Exacerabated by Paroxetine,"

Neurology 44 (1194) p 2406

M. Berk, "Paroxetine Indusces Dystonia and Parkinsonism in Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder," Human Psychopharmacology 8 (1988) [suppl.4] S52-S56

L. Reccoppa, W.A. Welch, and M.R. Ware, "Acute Dystonia and Fluoxetine,"

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 51 (1990), p 487

A Dray,"Serotonin in Basal Ganglia: Functions and Interactions with Other

Neuronal Pathways," Journal of Physiology (Paris) 77 (1981) pp 393-403

D.K. Arya, "Extrapyramidal Symptoms[neurological side effects]with SSRIs,"

British Journal of Psychiatry 165 (1994) pp 728-33

ER det kun ssri dette gjelder? Eller også annen AD?


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