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Dette skrev vi;


I, (name), a norwegian citizen, born xx.xx.xxxx in (city) and I, (name), a norwegian citizen, born xx.xx.xxxx in (city) are planning to adopt a child from China. We have been approved by the Governmental Office for Youth and Adoption.

The reason for wanting to adopt a child is that we want to have a child together. We are not able to have biologically born children.

The reason for wanting to adopt a child from China is that we have friends who have adopted a girl from China. After we made the decision of wanting to adopt a child from China, we have met other families who have done or are doing the same. We feel that this connections give us valuable bonds to families who are in the same lifesituation as we are.

We are really looking forward to become parents to a chineese child. The day we recieves the message that we have become parents to a chineese child will be a real great day in our lives. The whole family looks forward to that special day. Our adopted child will recieve a large family such as sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

As mentioned above (name) has biologically born children, but we assure that the adopted child will enjoy equal rights to his biological children. We will raise and treat the child as our own.

We feel that we have much love and care to give a child, and we will make sure that the child will grow up in safe and predictable surroundings.

Our economically status is spacious, which gives us the opportunity to cover up the material needs. Our house is big enough to have another child and, not in the least; our hearts are big enough to let an adopted child into them.

We promise that we will never discriminate against, abandon or trade the child. We will make sure that the child will receive a proper education, be brought up healthily and will learn about its background when it grows up.

We will love the child as if we had given birth to it ourselves. We will never do anything harmful to the child and we promise to take good care of it.

We are grateful if we get the opportunity to adopt a chineese child. Filled with pride we will start on our lifelong duty as parents to our adopted child.


hilsen fra

Xiao Tao :-D

Ser du har fått svar allerede når det gjelder brevet.

Hva bildepresentasjon angår er det litt forskjellig avhengig av forening du bruker. AF lar søkerne lage presentasjonen og man står litt frie, mens gjennom Inor sender man en 8 bilder og en liste med tekst til hvert bilde. Disse bildene bør være portrettbilder av familiemedlemene, hus og hage, av familien i forskjellige settinger. Jeg mener å huske at AF sendte en grei mal over hvordan det kan gjøres.


Adopsjonsforeningen har jo en oppskrift om hva som skal stå i bervet. AF vil forresten ha det åpå norsk, ikke engelsk. Hvis du du besvarer de enkelte punktene i oppskriften og binder det hele litt sammen vil du få et fint brev. AF f.eks. ser også over det før det sendes, men jeg vet ikke om denne praksisen gjelder også de andre to foreiningene.


Adopsjonsforeningen har jo en oppskrift om hva som skal stå i bervet. AF vil forresten ha det åpå norsk, ikke engelsk. Hvis du du besvarer de enkelte punktene i oppskriften og binder det hele litt sammen vil du få et fint brev. AF f.eks. ser også over det før det sendes, men jeg vet ikke om denne praksisen gjelder også de andre to foreiningene.

Når det gjelder bildepresentasjonen, varierer også oppskriftene litt fra forening til forening. Vi hadde med flere bilder enn de vi trengte, men AF reagerte ikke på det.

Men etter det jeg vet nå, kommer uansett ikke bildepresentasjonen helt inn til matching room, men bare til review room (godkjenning). Det er kun passbildene som finner veien til matching room, så pass på at disse blir spesielt fine (spesielt mannen ;-)).

Gjest happy 2006

Adopsjonsforeningen har jo en oppskrift om hva som skal stå i bervet. AF vil forresten ha det åpå norsk, ikke engelsk. Hvis du du besvarer de enkelte punktene i oppskriften og binder det hele litt sammen vil du få et fint brev. AF f.eks. ser også over det før det sendes, men jeg vet ikke om denne praksisen gjelder også de andre to foreiningene.

Vi har også levert vårt på norsk til Inor Adopt , fikk skjema fra dom hva brevet skulle inneholde og hvor mange bilder ...Det er kanskje bedre at du tar en telefon til din forening og spør , det virker jo som det er litt forskjell fra forening til forening . Lykke til !


Xiao Tao :-D

Når det gjelder bildepresentasjonen, varierer også oppskriftene litt fra forening til forening. Vi hadde med flere bilder enn de vi trengte, men AF reagerte ikke på det.

Men etter det jeg vet nå, kommer uansett ikke bildepresentasjonen helt inn til matching room, men bare til review room (godkjenning). Det er kun passbildene som finner veien til matching room, så pass på at disse blir spesielt fine (spesielt mannen ;-)).

Det er altså derfor vi har fått så vakre barn :))

Dette skrev vi;


I, (name), a norwegian citizen, born xx.xx.xxxx in (city) and I, (name), a norwegian citizen, born xx.xx.xxxx in (city) are planning to adopt a child from China. We have been approved by the Governmental Office for Youth and Adoption.

The reason for wanting to adopt a child is that we want to have a child together. We are not able to have biologically born children.

The reason for wanting to adopt a child from China is that we have friends who have adopted a girl from China. After we made the decision of wanting to adopt a child from China, we have met other families who have done or are doing the same. We feel that this connections give us valuable bonds to families who are in the same lifesituation as we are.

We are really looking forward to become parents to a chineese child. The day we recieves the message that we have become parents to a chineese child will be a real great day in our lives. The whole family looks forward to that special day. Our adopted child will recieve a large family such as sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

As mentioned above (name) has biologically born children, but we assure that the adopted child will enjoy equal rights to his biological children. We will raise and treat the child as our own.

We feel that we have much love and care to give a child, and we will make sure that the child will grow up in safe and predictable surroundings.

Our economically status is spacious, which gives us the opportunity to cover up the material needs. Our house is big enough to have another child and, not in the least; our hearts are big enough to let an adopted child into them.

We promise that we will never discriminate against, abandon or trade the child. We will make sure that the child will receive a proper education, be brought up healthily and will learn about its background when it grows up.

We will love the child as if we had given birth to it ourselves. We will never do anything harmful to the child and we promise to take good care of it.

We are grateful if we get the opportunity to adopt a chineese child. Filled with pride we will start on our lifelong duty as parents to our adopted child.


hilsen fra

Tusen takk for gode råd og tips. Vi skal bruke AF så da får vi vel flere gode råd fra de når vi blir ferdig godkjent av region sør.

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