stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Er det ikke rart at folk ikke har vært på månen igjen? Tror nok de så mer enn de sier. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 3 minutes ago, stjernestøv said: Er det ikke rart at folk ikke har vært på månen igjen? Tror nok de så mer enn de sier. Har du lest på nyhetsspeilet igjen nå da? Anonymkode: 75d80...907 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Et øyeblikk siden, AnonymBruker skrev: Har du lest på nyhetsspeilet igjen nå da? Anonymkode: 75d80...907 Nei så litt på en dokumentar på netflix. Nå se jeg på en, om en som over natten begynte å se engler, demoner og ånder. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Lillemus Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 8 minutter siden, stjernestøv skrev: Er det ikke rart at folk ikke har vært på månen igjen? Tror nok de så mer enn de sier. Gråstein og enda mer gråstein. Det var nok alt de så. Så sånn er det med den saken. Det har vel forøvrig vært snakk om å sende folk dit igjen? 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Et øyeblikk siden, Lillemus skrev: Gråstein og enda mer gråstein. Det var nok alt de så. Så sånn er det med den saken. Det har vel forøvrig vært snakk om å sende folk dit igjen? Håper de sender folk dit igjen, da får de se at vi ikke er alene...nok en gang. Kanskje alle kan få vite det og. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
heisenberg Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 15 minutter siden, stjernestøv skrev: Nei så litt på en dokumentar på netflix. "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed" er ikke den mest seriøse "dokumentaren" jeg har sett. Diverse anmeldelser: Not sure how this film got listed as a documentary, as I am sure that it is not. The director, Robert Kiviat, has directed or produced a number of similar stories, all discounted by NASA and other experts. In my opinion, none of the evidence presented here stands up but it is easy to misread grainy old photographs and poor quality film - and also very easy to fake photographs if required. Stories like this appeal to a lot of people, so many of us want them to be true, but dubious quality picture or film can be interpreted in different ways and the title of this film gives just one view. A pity, as I would love a real alien story. * So much fake, so ridiculous. Putting one of the "experts" in front of a few (fake?) Nasa suits does not increase her credibility. I had to switch it off when they showed supposedly real footage of some vehicle or being siphoning "plasma from the sun". Based on how big the sun is, that...thing..., based on the picture we see, would have to be several hundred or thousand kilometers big. This is like the wet dream of some conspiracy theory bloggers. It might be fun if you do some drinking games, based on the usual terms they use, the "experts" ("paranormal investigator"), all the cliché "secrets" mentioned. Terrible, and I wonder why it's even on Netflix, it's something you usually only find on Youtube * This is 1 hour and 20 minutes of blurred images, speculation, and "helpfully" coloured shadows. Interesting enough the commentator at the beginning of the "documentary" uses the words "are?", "maybe", "could this" but at towards the ends of it skips all these small highly significant words from the narrative. It follows the same format as many other conspiracy "documentaries". a/ Can it be X? b/ Can it be Y? c/ Can it be Z? ----------------- This proves that aliens built stuff on the moon/did something else unbelievable. If you are into this kind of reasoning and conspiracy then go ahead watch this waste of time. Personally I'd extremely surprised if there are not others out there - and equally surprised if they were particularly interested in this backward backwater planets population. * I've seen a lot of garbage over the years, but this by far tops pretty much all the piles of caca on my list. The cast of characters reads like the cast of a Ringling Brothers cleaning crew, the script appears to have been written by a drunk 12-year- old, and the level of intelligence required to view this is just below that of a Walmart baby rattle. The horrid cast of so-called "experts" in this film reads like the patient list at Nurse Ratchett's daily medication rounds. In one scene, they bring up an expert on photography analysis that is billed as a... get this... paranormal expert. Poor Roger Leopardi must have been broke, hungry and way behind on his rent to agree to narrate this spectacularly prepubescent film. Don't waste your time. You'll get more out of watching the grass grow. * Professional video documentary producers and directors DO NOT mix real-life imagery with artwork and model shots, with intent to deceive the audience into believing that the real-life imagery is more persuasive than it really is. Robert Kiviat was guilty of this "video sin" over and over in this hilariously contrived piece of film-flam. The images purporting to show alien structures on the Moon are laughably unconvincing, so they had to be "boosted." Mike Bara, a laid-off CAD-CAM technician with no training in geology or image interpretation (and, in fact, a well deserved reputation for botching Apollo Moon imagery) told us about a "giant paper-clip" and a "mile wide Ziggurat". These are simply lies. The paper-clip is a curly fiber in an amateur scanner that wasn't kept clean. The Ziggurat is a spoof that Bara stumbled across on the "Call of Duty Zombies" web forum. Lee Spiegel fell for another hoax, the "crashed spacecraft" on the Moon. Examination of the far better images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter proves that this is just a dune feature, cratered exactly the same as its surroundings. Pathetic. * This "documentary" (to use the term VERY loosely) makes the face on Mars look like a real hard piece of Martian evidence. When they're not busy showcasing the ridiculously fuzzy and obscure images of rubble piles, shadows, natural formations, and craters, they're ranting about wild speculations as to what these "structures" could be. Between mining operations, giant domes, beacons, cities, and canons, all of the fuzzy random shapes seem to have very obvious uses. At the very least, I can admire the imagination of these people because it takes a whole lot of it to see what they're seeing. Literally. To assist the ever so sorry (or amused) viewer, they've highlighted the pictures with random colored shapes to "enhance" whatever it is they see. However, when they remove the added colors from the picture, it's almost impossible to see what they're talking about. Actually, it's almost as impossible even when they leave the colored shapes in! Also, I'm left scratching my head as to how they got actual astronauts to appear in this. I can only assume they were lied to or lured in with candy. * Actually pathetic and truly a disgrace to mankind... The whole documentary they are just zooming in on NASA pictures, claiming to see some alien structure, wheels, hidden UFO's, etc., while these are just embossed crates of the moon. Actually I hated myself for even having watched this (partially)!! What kind of idiot makes this up and possibly photo shops some NASA images and actually believes it? Wow, how low can someone actually go by making a story of it and claiming this to be true. I wanted to poke out my eyes with a needle for seeing this, worst is that I know some people might even get persuaded by this load of sh*t... * There really is nothing complementary to say about this steaming pile of conspiracy theory hyperbole. It is filled from start to finish with the very worst collection of crackpot claims, laid forth as facts. If within the first two minutes of watching (maximum) you don't say to yourself... "Oh I see where this is going... pass the tin foil hats!!" I would be VERY surprised indeed. It has NO redeeming features what so ever, and no rational thinking individual has any need to even think about the merest possibility of contemplating the very idea of watching it.. The "science" is flawed, the assertions are just lunatic fringe ideas that you can find on many a crazy persons you-tube channel. Who ever funded this must be as mad as a hatter to believe in it, and to throw away their money. Utter UTTER Drivel.... * I generally don't watch documentaries of this ilk because i find the conclusions laughably weak and something an 11 year old would come up with. This line sums up everything thats wrong with this:'we ask some of the brightest minds we could find to some up the evidence and whilst they cant be sure of what it is, its very compelling'. So, you cant work out whats happening in your fuzzy pictures. That must mean Aliens have travelled light years to build mines, nuclear reactors, chimneys and buildings on the moon. Nasa is aware of these spacecraft/buildings and airbrush them out of NASA pictures except the ones the show uses. I got at least half way the arguments were so bloody ridiculous i was dumb founded and had to watch out of morbid curiosity. This must be a mockumentory. Nobody is this daft, surely? How Buzz Adlrin managed to keep his cool during interview is the real conspiracy here. Fairplay. * I mean really. How could they dare to interfere Buzz Aldrin with this document. Yes, he did see an UFO, it doesn't mean aliens! Everything he says in this interview goes against the conspiracy. But And it's a funny thing how the narrator continually mentions "the smartest people on earth" "leading astronomers" and "experts" and still I see none of them in the film. Whole film is just about a blurry image, which someone has colored arbitrary. And even after that, I didn't see nothing weird in it. It's like seeing Jesus in your french toast. You see what you wanna see. This wasn't even funny like "Ancient Aliens". Don't bother. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Wretch Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Årsaken er at det er svindyrt å sende mennesker til månen. Mye rimeligere å sende roboter til Mars. Mye av det som lå bak månelandingen var også den kalde krigen - det var et kappløp; om å gjøre å vise for befolkningen hvilken nasjon som var best (eller nærmere sagt demokratiet i forhold til kommunismen). Dessuten er det ikke så mye å lære av å sende mennesker dit lenger, om det bare er for å ta noen bilder og plukke med seg stein - dette kan roboter gjøre, eller fjernkontrollerte maskiner. Skal det sendes mennesker til månen blir det nok for å opprette en koloni - det vil jo være en utforskelse. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 8 minutter siden, heisenberg skrev: "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed" er ikke den mest seriøse "dokumentaren" jeg har sett. Diverse anmeldelser: Not sure how this film got listed as a documentary, as I am sure that it is not. The director, Robert Kiviat, has directed or produced a number of similar stories, all discounted by NASA and other experts. In my opinion, none of the evidence presented here stands up but it is easy to misread grainy old photographs and poor quality film - and also very easy to fake photographs if required. Stories like this appeal to a lot of people, so many of us want them to be true, but dubious quality picture or film can be interpreted in different ways and the title of this film gives just one view. A pity, as I would love a real alien story. * So much fake, so ridiculous. Putting one of the "experts" in front of a few (fake?) Nasa suits does not increase her credibility. I had to switch it off when they showed supposedly real footage of some vehicle or being siphoning "plasma from the sun". Based on how big the sun is, that...thing..., based on the picture we see, would have to be several hundred or thousand kilometers big. This is like the wet dream of some conspiracy theory bloggers. It might be fun if you do some drinking games, based on the usual terms they use, the "experts" ("paranormal investigator"), all the cliché "secrets" mentioned. Terrible, and I wonder why it's even on Netflix, it's something you usually only find on Youtube * This is 1 hour and 20 minutes of blurred images, speculation, and "helpfully" coloured shadows. Interesting enough the commentator at the beginning of the "documentary" uses the words "are?", "maybe", "could this" but at towards the ends of it skips all these small highly significant words from the narrative. It follows the same format as many other conspiracy "documentaries". a/ Can it be X? b/ Can it be Y? c/ Can it be Z? ----------------- This proves that aliens built stuff on the moon/did something else unbelievable. If you are into this kind of reasoning and conspiracy then go ahead watch this waste of time. Personally I'd extremely surprised if there are not others out there - and equally surprised if they were particularly interested in this backward backwater planets population. * I've seen a lot of garbage over the years, but this by far tops pretty much all the piles of caca on my list. The cast of characters reads like the cast of a Ringling Brothers cleaning crew, the script appears to have been written by a drunk 12-year- old, and the level of intelligence required to view this is just below that of a Walmart baby rattle. The horrid cast of so-called "experts" in this film reads like the patient list at Nurse Ratchett's daily medication rounds. In one scene, they bring up an expert on photography analysis that is billed as a... get this... paranormal expert. Poor Roger Leopardi must have been broke, hungry and way behind on his rent to agree to narrate this spectacularly prepubescent film. Don't waste your time. You'll get more out of watching the grass grow. * Professional video documentary producers and directors DO NOT mix real-life imagery with artwork and model shots, with intent to deceive the audience into believing that the real-life imagery is more persuasive than it really is. Robert Kiviat was guilty of this "video sin" over and over in this hilariously contrived piece of film-flam. The images purporting to show alien structures on the Moon are laughably unconvincing, so they had to be "boosted." Mike Bara, a laid-off CAD-CAM technician with no training in geology or image interpretation (and, in fact, a well deserved reputation for botching Apollo Moon imagery) told us about a "giant paper-clip" and a "mile wide Ziggurat". These are simply lies. The paper-clip is a curly fiber in an amateur scanner that wasn't kept clean. The Ziggurat is a spoof that Bara stumbled across on the "Call of Duty Zombies" web forum. Lee Spiegel fell for another hoax, the "crashed spacecraft" on the Moon. Examination of the far better images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter proves that this is just a dune feature, cratered exactly the same as its surroundings. Pathetic. * This "documentary" (to use the term VERY loosely) makes the face on Mars look like a real hard piece of Martian evidence. When they're not busy showcasing the ridiculously fuzzy and obscure images of rubble piles, shadows, natural formations, and craters, they're ranting about wild speculations as to what these "structures" could be. Between mining operations, giant domes, beacons, cities, and canons, all of the fuzzy random shapes seem to have very obvious uses. At the very least, I can admire the imagination of these people because it takes a whole lot of it to see what they're seeing. Literally. To assist the ever so sorry (or amused) viewer, they've highlighted the pictures with random colored shapes to "enhance" whatever it is they see. However, when they remove the added colors from the picture, it's almost impossible to see what they're talking about. Actually, it's almost as impossible even when they leave the colored shapes in! Also, I'm left scratching my head as to how they got actual astronauts to appear in this. I can only assume they were lied to or lured in with candy. * Actually pathetic and truly a disgrace to mankind... The whole documentary they are just zooming in on NASA pictures, claiming to see some alien structure, wheels, hidden UFO's, etc., while these are just embossed crates of the moon. Actually I hated myself for even having watched this (partially)!! What kind of idiot makes this up and possibly photo shops some NASA images and actually believes it? Wow, how low can someone actually go by making a story of it and claiming this to be true. I wanted to poke out my eyes with a needle for seeing this, worst is that I know some people might even get persuaded by this load of sh*t... * There really is nothing complementary to say about this steaming pile of conspiracy theory hyperbole. It is filled from start to finish with the very worst collection of crackpot claims, laid forth as facts. If within the first two minutes of watching (maximum) you don't say to yourself... "Oh I see where this is going... pass the tin foil hats!!" I would be VERY surprised indeed. It has NO redeeming features what so ever, and no rational thinking individual has any need to even think about the merest possibility of contemplating the very idea of watching it.. The "science" is flawed, the assertions are just lunatic fringe ideas that you can find on many a crazy persons you-tube channel. Who ever funded this must be as mad as a hatter to believe in it, and to throw away their money. Utter UTTER Drivel.... * I generally don't watch documentaries of this ilk because i find the conclusions laughably weak and something an 11 year old would come up with. This line sums up everything thats wrong with this:'we ask some of the brightest minds we could find to some up the evidence and whilst they cant be sure of what it is, its very compelling'. So, you cant work out whats happening in your fuzzy pictures. That must mean Aliens have travelled light years to build mines, nuclear reactors, chimneys and buildings on the moon. Nasa is aware of these spacecraft/buildings and airbrush them out of NASA pictures except the ones the show uses. I got at least half way the arguments were so bloody ridiculous i was dumb founded and had to watch out of morbid curiosity. This must be a mockumentory. Nobody is this daft, surely? How Buzz Adlrin managed to keep his cool during interview is the real conspiracy here. Fairplay. * I mean really. How could they dare to interfere Buzz Aldrin with this document. Yes, he did see an UFO, it doesn't mean aliens! Everything he says in this interview goes against the conspiracy. But And it's a funny thing how the narrator continually mentions "the smartest people on earth" "leading astronomers" and "experts" and still I see none of them in the film. Whole film is just about a blurry image, which someone has colored arbitrary. And even after that, I didn't see nothing weird in it. It's like seeing Jesus in your french toast. You see what you wanna see. This wasn't even funny like "Ancient Aliens". Don't bother. Alt det der orker jeg ikke lese, det var da voldsomt. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 8 minutter siden, Wretch skrev: Årsaken er at det er svindyrt å sende mennesker til månen. Mye rimeligere å sende roboter til Mars. Mye av det som lå bak månelandingen var også den kalde krigen - det var et kappløp; om å gjøre å vise for befolkningen hvilken nasjon som var best (eller nærmere sagt demokratiet i forhold til kommunismen). Dessuten er det ikke så mye å lære av å sende mennesker dit lenger, om det bare er for å ta noen bilder og plukke med seg stein - dette kan roboter gjøre, eller fjernkontrollerte maskiner. Skal det sendes mennesker til månen blir det nok for å opprette en koloni - det vil jo være en utforskelse. Ja så får de sende roboter da. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Lillemus Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 1 time siden, stjernestøv skrev: Håper de sender folk dit igjen, da får de se at vi ikke er alene...nok en gang. Kanskje alle kan få vite det og. Jeg tror definitivt ikke vi er alene i universet, det ville det vært utrolig arrogant å tro - men det bor ingen små grønne menn verken på månen eller på mars! De er nok adskillig lengre unna enn det. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 16 minutter siden, Lillemus skrev: Jeg tror definitivt ikke vi er alene i universet, det ville det vært utrolig arrogant å tro - men det bor ingen små grønne menn verken på månen eller på mars! De er nok adskillig lengre unna enn det. Det skal du ikke si. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 6. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2016 3 hours ago, stjernestøv said: Det skal du ikke si. Det bor ikke små grønne menn på månen eller mars. Anonymkode: f417c...c45 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Gjest Gargamel Skrevet 7. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 7. mai 2016 14 timer siden, stjernestøv skrev: Er det ikke rart at folk ikke har vært på månen igjen? Tror nok de så mer enn de sier. Ja, det er litt rart, men for forskningens del er det nok ikke verd pengene å sende mennesker dit. Det er mye billigere å sende sonder. Når de dro dit i første runde var nok motivasjonen å pushe teknologiutvikling gjennom et stort offentlig program, og dessuten demonstrere at USA lå foran Sovjetunionen. Det kan vel hende de drar tilbake om en stund allikevel. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
Kayia Skrevet 7. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 7. mai 2016 (endret) 18 timer siden, stjernestøv skrev: Er det ikke rart at folk ikke har vært på månen igjen? Tror nok de så mer enn de sier. Det eneste positive jeg har å si til denne nettbruken din er at du etterhvert må ha blitt temmelig god i engelsk? Lyst til å bli anbefalt noen bøker istedenfor? Endret 7. mai 2016 av Kayia 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
stjernestøv Skrevet 7. mai 2016 Forfatter Del Skrevet 7. mai 2016 4 minutter siden, Kayia skrev: Det eneste positive jeg har å si til denne nettbruken din er at du etterhvert må ha blitt temmelig god i engelsk? Lyst til å bli anbefalt noen bøker istedenfor? Hehe ja jeg forstår iallefall engelsk godt Jeg klarer ikke lese for tiden, annet enn Donald. 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Den 6.5.2016 at 21.02, Lillemus skrev: Jeg tror definitivt ikke vi er alene i universet, det ville det vært utrolig arrogant å tro - men det bor ingen små grønne menn verken på månen eller på mars! De er nok adskillig lengre unna enn det. Nå igjen....blir dere aldri lei det der ufo/aliens/utenomjordisk liv? Vet om liv finnes andre steder i universet eller ikke kan vi umulig få svar på i vår levetid. Årsak: Kollosale avstander. De kan man ikke reise over - for det tar mange titalls tusen år med de kjappeste rakettene. Og radiosignaler fra eventuelle fremmede sivilisasjoner spres utover som en kjegle fra kilden og svekkes med kvadratet av avstanden til kilden. Da blir et eventuelt slikt radiosignal ikke lenger målbart hos oss. Og like forunderlig: Hvorfor er noe skråsikre på at utenomjordisk liv finnes, er oppstått ved evolusjon og at det slett ikke er noen gud eller engler der? Stapper de evolusjonsteori og egne hypoteser inn i kunnskapshuller? Anonymkode: 9a5e7...72f 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Den 6.5.2016 at 19.41, Lillemus skrev: Gråstein og enda mer gråstein. Det var nok alt de så. Så sånn er det med den saken. Det har vel forøvrig vært snakk om å sende folk dit igjen? Ja. Men ikke amerikanere. Russere og kinesere. Hva skal de der? Kanskje finne sjeldne metaller? Hittil har kineserne drevet et ganske grotesk kappløp over hele kloden vår for å få kontroll over gruver med sjeldne metaller. Og lykkes nokså bra. Sjeldne metaller er svært viktig for blant annet elektronikkindustrien. Anonymkode: 9a5e7...72f 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Kom på en artig vits fra den tiden Ap sin Stoltenberg var statsminister. Amerikanerne kaller jo sine romfarere for astronauter, russerne for kosmonauter og kineserne sine for taikonauter. Hva om Norge ble en romfartsnasjon? Hva skulle vi da kalt våre romfarere? Apenauter? Anonymkode: 9a5e7...72f 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
AnonymBruker Skrevet 8. mai 2016 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2016 1 time siden, AnonymBruker skrev: Nå igjen....blir dere aldri lei det der ufo/aliens/utenomjordisk liv? Vet om liv finnes andre steder i universet eller ikke kan vi umulig få svar på i vår levetid. Årsak: Kollosale avstander. De kan man ikke reise over - for det tar mange titalls tusen år med de kjappeste rakettene. Og radiosignaler fra eventuelle fremmede sivilisasjoner spres utover som en kjegle fra kilden og svekkes med kvadratet av avstanden til kilden. Da blir et eventuelt slikt radiosignal ikke lenger målbart hos oss. Og like forunderlig: Hvorfor er noe skråsikre på at utenomjordisk liv finnes, er oppstått ved evolusjon og at det slett ikke er noen gud eller engler der? Stapper de evolusjonsteori og egne hypoteser inn i kunnskapshuller? Anonymkode: 9a5e7...72f Vitenskapen. Det finnes absolutt ingen grunn til å tro den bibelske gud finnes. Absolutt ingen. Anonymkode: 9c3db...35c 0 Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
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