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AI - ChatGPT

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Noen av dere som bruker AI som selvhjelp? Hvordan bruker dere det evt? 

Jeg bruker det som samtalepartner for at mannen min ikke skal bli gal av alle geubleriene mine. Men jeg heller nok en del bensin på bålet, det er ganske avhengighetsskapende. Skulle funnet mer konstruktive måter å bruke det på. Men den gir forsåvidt gode svar, dog veldig politisk korrekte. 

Anonymkode: c2ec9...3d1

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En interessant ting når det gjelder AI. Jeg jobber med det for tiden i prosjektet på jobb, og fant ut i fellesskap at AI kan hallusinere

Der hvor det er noen form for intelligens, er det rom for hallusinasjon. Vær litt oppmerksom på det nå i starten av AI og KI som rulles ut overalt. Ingen grunn til bekymring, men kunnskap gjør én sterkere. 

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Drømmeautomat skrev (12 timer siden):

Jeg bruker den ikke til selvhjelp, men du kan be den om å agere som psykolog (kognitiv eller psykodynamisk f.eks) og den vil gjøre det i alle svarene til du evt. ber den slutte. 

Har tenkt at AI må være perfekt som psykodynamisk terapeut.  Å lære seg å si Hmm, kan du si mer om det, hva tenker du selv og i tillegg av og til gjenta pasientens siste setning, kan ikke være alt for avansert.

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kupton skrev (1 minutt siden):

Har tenkt at AI må være perfekt som psykodynamisk terapeut.  Å lære seg å si Hmm, kan du si mer om det, hva tenker du selv og i tillegg av og til gjenta pasientens siste setning, kan ikke være alt for avansert.

Ja, for så å hente opp informasjon fra tidligere transkribering med bruker, så man kan bli forvirret og lure på om man selv hallusinerer.

F.eks. snakker man om de trendy T-ene (Traume, Trigger, Toxic) Greia med kodingen er at den kan være vanvittig avansert, men ironisk nok med feil og mangler. Akkurat som all annen behandlingsform.

Ser for meg at den med god nytte kan brukes til diagnosesetting, da den ikke forholder seg til følelser. Snakker om somatisk sykdommer først og fremst. 

Her er det rom for å bli helt fortapt i mulighetene, og samtidig begrensningene. 

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kupton skrev (30 minutter siden):

Har tenkt at AI må være perfekt som psykodynamisk terapeut.  Å lære seg å si Hmm, kan du si mer om det, hva tenker du selv og i tillegg av og til gjenta pasientens siste setning, kan ikke være alt for avansert.

Hvorfor dette hatet mot psykodynamisk terapi? 

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kupton skrev (35 minutter siden):

Har tenkt at AI må være perfekt som psykodynamisk terapeut.  Å lære seg å si Hmm, kan du si mer om det, hva tenker du selv og i tillegg av og til gjenta pasientens siste setning, kan ikke være alt for avansert.

Kanskje al hadde blitt en perfekt psykiater også? Jeg tror ikke det kan være alt for avansert å skrive ut en resept

Anonymkode: dc135...15f

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Trinity80 skrev (1 minutt siden):

Jeg hater ikke psykodynamisk terapi. Får det for tiden, men av en veldig dyktig psykiater som er erfaren og pågående. Setter veldig pris på det faktisk ☺️

Nå var ikke spørsmålet til deg da. 

Anonymkode: 49e74...a74

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Jeg prøvde meg på en liten terapisamtale, På nåværende tidspunkt tør jeg ikke å være så direkte med min IRL-behandler, men svarene er gir meg ingenting, siden de ikke kommer fra en ekte person. Jeg tror ikke min behandler ville svart så korrekt, men utfordret mye mer. Ogbjeg ville så klart blitt mye mer aktivert enn jeg ble her. Men jeg synes det er litt gøy også da.


Here's the entire conversation from the point you mentioned feeling like you're manipulating the conversation, formatted for easy copying:


**User**: I feel i am not the person i am presenting. That i present myself as a person looking for pity, when i actually think i am a horrible person needing to be punished in some way.

**Assistant**: Feeling like you're manipulating the conversation is an important emotion to acknowledge. It's valuable to explore why you might feel this way. In therapy, understanding the dynamics of how you relate to the therapist can offer insights into how you relate to others and yourself.

1. **Exploring the Feeling**: What about this conversation makes you feel like you're manipulating? Is it the control over the topics, or perhaps something else?

2. **Patterns in Relationships**: Do you notice similar feelings or dynamics in other relationships in your life?

3. **Underlying Needs**: Sometimes, feelings of manipulation can be linked to underlying needs or desires. What are you seeking in this interaction, and in your relationships generally?

Remember, this is a safe space to explore these feelings. Understanding them can be an important part of your journey.


**User**: Can you please answer shorter?


**Assistant**: Absolutely. Let's focus on why you feel like you're manipulating this conversation. What stands out to you about this feeling?


**User**: I feel i am not the person i am presenting. That i present myself as a person looking for pity, when i actually think i am a horrible person needing to be punished in some way.


**Assistant**: Your fear of revealing your true self and the conflicting feelings about punishment are deeply significant. It's common to fear judgment or rejection upon showing our true selves, especially if we're harshly judging ourselves.

1. **Fear of Judgment**: The fear of how others will react to the "real" you is often linked to self-judgment. How do you feel you'll be judged?

2. **Desire for Punishment**: Wanting punishment can sometimes stem from guilt or a sense of unworthiness. Do these feelings resonate with you?

3. **Safety in Therapy**: Remember that therapy should be a safe space where you won't be punished or judged, but rather understood and helped.

Exploring these fears and desires can lead to important insights. What do you think is at the heart of these feelings?


**User**: I know i am not worthy the therapy.


**Assistant**: Feeling unworthy of therapy is a significant emotional response and is something many people experience. It's important to remember that everyone deserves support and help, regardless of how they view themselves.

1. **Intrinsic Worth**: Your worth as a person isn't determined by any specific criteria. You are inherently deserving of help and support.

2. **Therapy as a Right**: Therapy is not just for those who feel worthy but for anyone who seeks understanding, growth, and healing.

3. **Addressing Feelings of Unworthiness**: Exploring these feelings of unworthiness can be a crucial part of your therapeutic journey.

You're taking brave steps by engaging in this conversation. Remember, you are worthy of help and support. How does it feel to consider this perspective?


**User**: I think my worth is based on what i do to other people. I can't agree with the overall anyone is worthy. I am afraid i am waisting your time, that you don't find me worthy when you find out who i really am. That you then will turn your anger at me and throw me out of the office. I know you are a human too, behind all the professionalism.


**Assistant**: Your concerns about worth, fear of wasting time, and worry about negative reactions are understandable. It’s important to separate these fears from the reality of a therapeutic relationship:

1. **Worth Based on Actions**: It's common to link self-worth to actions, but self-worth is more about who you are than what you do.

2. **Therapist’s Role**: Therapists are trained to maintain professionalism and provide support without judgment or anger, even when faced with challenging situations.

3. **Safe Space**: Therapy is a place for you to express your thoughts and fears without fear of being thrown out or judged.

Remember, my role here is to provide support and guidance, and your concerns and feelings are valid and worthy of exploration. How do you feel about giving yourself permission to explore these feelings in a safe space, without judgment?


**User**: I think you talk bull-shit.


**Assistant**: It's completely okay to feel skeptical or disagree with what's being discussed. Your honest reaction is valuable and it's important that you express your true feelings. If there are specific points you disagree with or if there's a different direction you'd like to take in this conversation, please feel free to share. Your perspective is important here.


**User**: I think you are answering to correct to actually be of any real worth.


Anonymkode: c2ec9...3d1

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Jeg har absolutt hatt nytte av psykodynamisk terapi, men da i kombinasjon med f.els. kognitiv terapi. Jeg tenker det kan bli skummelt å se  enkeltstående terapiretninger som veien til frelse. Det sagt, så kunne jeg  ikke brukt AI som terapeut. Jeg foretrekker fysiske personer jeg kan se, og vite hvor jeg har. 

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AnonymBruker skrev (12 minutter siden):

Jeg prøvde meg på en liten terapisamtale, På nåværende tidspunkt tør jeg ikke å være så direkte med min IRL-behandler, men svarene er gir meg ingenting, siden de ikke kommer fra en ekte person. Jeg tror ikke min behandler ville svart så korrekt, men utfordret mye mer. Ogbjeg ville så klart blitt mye mer aktivert enn jeg ble her. Men jeg synes det er litt gøy også da.


Here's the entire conversation from the point you mentioned feeling like you're manipulating the conversation, formatted for easy copying:


**User**: I feel i am not the person i am presenting. That i present myself as a person looking for pity, when i actually think i am a horrible person needing to be punished in some way.

**Assistant**: Feeling like you're manipulating the conversation is an important emotion to acknowledge. It's valuable to explore why you might feel this way. In therapy, understanding the dynamics of how you relate to the therapist can offer insights into how you relate to others and yourself.

1. **Exploring the Feeling**: What about this conversation makes you feel like you're manipulating? Is it the control over the topics, or perhaps something else?

2. **Patterns in Relationships**: Do you notice similar feelings or dynamics in other relationships in your life?

3. **Underlying Needs**: Sometimes, feelings of manipulation can be linked to underlying needs or desires. What are you seeking in this interaction, and in your relationships generally?

Remember, this is a safe space to explore these feelings. Understanding them can be an important part of your journey.


**User**: Can you please answer shorter?


**Assistant**: Absolutely. Let's focus on why you feel like you're manipulating this conversation. What stands out to you about this feeling?


**User**: I feel i am not the person i am presenting. That i present myself as a person looking for pity, when i actually think i am a horrible person needing to be punished in some way.


**Assistant**: Your fear of revealing your true self and the conflicting feelings about punishment are deeply significant. It's common to fear judgment or rejection upon showing our true selves, especially if we're harshly judging ourselves.

1. **Fear of Judgment**: The fear of how others will react to the "real" you is often linked to self-judgment. How do you feel you'll be judged?

2. **Desire for Punishment**: Wanting punishment can sometimes stem from guilt or a sense of unworthiness. Do these feelings resonate with you?

3. **Safety in Therapy**: Remember that therapy should be a safe space where you won't be punished or judged, but rather understood and helped.

Exploring these fears and desires can lead to important insights. What do you think is at the heart of these feelings?


**User**: I know i am not worthy the therapy.


**Assistant**: Feeling unworthy of therapy is a significant emotional response and is something many people experience. It's important to remember that everyone deserves support and help, regardless of how they view themselves.

1. **Intrinsic Worth**: Your worth as a person isn't determined by any specific criteria. You are inherently deserving of help and support.

2. **Therapy as a Right**: Therapy is not just for those who feel worthy but for anyone who seeks understanding, growth, and healing.

3. **Addressing Feelings of Unworthiness**: Exploring these feelings of unworthiness can be a crucial part of your therapeutic journey.

You're taking brave steps by engaging in this conversation. Remember, you are worthy of help and support. How does it feel to consider this perspective?


**User**: I think my worth is based on what i do to other people. I can't agree with the overall anyone is worthy. I am afraid i am waisting your time, that you don't find me worthy when you find out who i really am. That you then will turn your anger at me and throw me out of the office. I know you are a human too, behind all the professionalism.


**Assistant**: Your concerns about worth, fear of wasting time, and worry about negative reactions are understandable. It’s important to separate these fears from the reality of a therapeutic relationship:

1. **Worth Based on Actions**: It's common to link self-worth to actions, but self-worth is more about who you are than what you do.

2. **Therapist’s Role**: Therapists are trained to maintain professionalism and provide support without judgment or anger, even when faced with challenging situations.

3. **Safe Space**: Therapy is a place for you to express your thoughts and fears without fear of being thrown out or judged.

Remember, my role here is to provide support and guidance, and your concerns and feelings are valid and worthy of exploration. How do you feel about giving yourself permission to explore these feelings in a safe space, without judgment?


**User**: I think you talk bull-shit.


**Assistant**: It's completely okay to feel skeptical or disagree with what's being discussed. Your honest reaction is valuable and it's important that you express your true feelings. If there are specific points you disagree with or if there's a different direction you'd like to take in this conversation, please feel free to share. Your perspective is important here.


**User**: I think you are answering to correct to actually be of any real worth.


Anonymkode: c2ec9...3d1

Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk? Er dette bare noe du har funnet på nettet? 

Anonymkode: dc135...15f

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AnonymBruker skrev (53 minutter siden):

Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk? Er dette bare noe du har funnet på nettet? 

Anonymkode: dc135...15f

Jeg spurte ChatGPT selv, som sa at det sannsynligvis ville gi bedre og mer utfyllende svar på engelsk. Nei, jeg har ikke funnet det på nettet.

Anonymkode: c2ec9...3d1

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kupton skrev (4 timer siden):

Har tenkt at AI må være perfekt som psykodynamisk terapeut.  Å lære seg å si Hmm, kan du si mer om det, hva tenker du selv og i tillegg av og til gjenta pasientens siste setning, kan ikke være alt for avansert.

Minner meg om noe annet (sann historie).

ChatGPT er vel ca 100 millarder variable, så den er ganske avansert.

En kompis lagde en Trump-tweet generator. Det har ca 80 linjer.

Anonymkode: bb661...71f

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