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Såvidt jeg forstår er dette det samme som "runner's knee"?

Dette er på engelsk:


At an early stage running should be decreased to lessen stress to this area and allow healing to begin. It is important to avoid downhill running which stresses the patello-femoral complex. Exercises performed with the knee bent should be avoided. When the knee is bent the forces under the knee cap are increased. Many people feel that the vastus medialis muscle works only during the final thirty degrees of extension of the knee. This is the muscle that helps stabilize the knee cap medially and prevents it from shifting laterally and tracking improperly at the patello-femoral joint. Straight leg lifts strengthen the vastus medialis and do not significantly stress the undersurface of the knee cap. They should be done 10 times on each side. Start with 5 sets of 10 and work your way up to 10 sets of 10. Straight leg lifts are best performed lying on a cushioned but firm surface, with the exercising leg held straight and the non-exercising leg somewhat bent to take pressure off of the back.

Tight posterior muscles should be stretched. In many cases tight calf muscles or hamstrings lead to a "functional equinous" and make the foot pronate while running or walking. This pronation is accompanied by an internal rotation of the leg which increases the Q angle and contributes to the lateral subluxation of the knee cap. Running shoes that offer extra support should be used. If further control of pronation is needed orthotics should be considered. The late George Sheehan, M.D., sports medicine physician and philosopher, was the first to popularize the notion that it was important to look at the foot when runner's knee occurs. It is also important to rule out other knee problems when knee pain occurs in runners and not just lump every pain as "runner's knee".

Jeg fant ikke noe videre om dette på norsk, men jeg vil anta at hvis du søker under det norske ordet for "runner's knee" så finner du noe på norsk.

Hvis ikke, så snakk med en fysioterapeut.

God bedring!

Med vennlig hilsen


Såvidt jeg forstår er dette det samme som "runner's knee"?

Dette er på engelsk:


At an early stage running should be decreased to lessen stress to this area and allow healing to begin. It is important to avoid downhill running which stresses the patello-femoral complex. Exercises performed with the knee bent should be avoided. When the knee is bent the forces under the knee cap are increased. Many people feel that the vastus medialis muscle works only during the final thirty degrees of extension of the knee. This is the muscle that helps stabilize the knee cap medially and prevents it from shifting laterally and tracking improperly at the patello-femoral joint. Straight leg lifts strengthen the vastus medialis and do not significantly stress the undersurface of the knee cap. They should be done 10 times on each side. Start with 5 sets of 10 and work your way up to 10 sets of 10. Straight leg lifts are best performed lying on a cushioned but firm surface, with the exercising leg held straight and the non-exercising leg somewhat bent to take pressure off of the back.

Tight posterior muscles should be stretched. In many cases tight calf muscles or hamstrings lead to a "functional equinous" and make the foot pronate while running or walking. This pronation is accompanied by an internal rotation of the leg which increases the Q angle and contributes to the lateral subluxation of the knee cap. Running shoes that offer extra support should be used. If further control of pronation is needed orthotics should be considered. The late George Sheehan, M.D., sports medicine physician and philosopher, was the first to popularize the notion that it was important to look at the foot when runner's knee occurs. It is also important to rule out other knee problems when knee pain occurs in runners and not just lump every pain as "runner's knee".

Jeg fant ikke noe videre om dette på norsk, men jeg vil anta at hvis du søker under det norske ordet for "runner's knee" så finner du noe på norsk.

Hvis ikke, så snakk med en fysioterapeut.

God bedring!

Med vennlig hilsen

Hei Sør!!

Du leser på Idrett og trening også...

Takk for info!

Har vore hos fysioterapaut og han meinte at det var dette PFS som feilte knerne mine..

Så eg må finne noe lurt å gjøre med det...

Yes, du får ha ein fin laurdag!!


Gjest Dubreuilh

Hei Sør!!

Du leser på Idrett og trening også...

Takk for info!

Har vore hos fysioterapaut og han meinte at det var dette PFS som feilte knerne mine..

Så eg må finne noe lurt å gjøre med det...

Yes, du får ha ein fin laurdag!!


Ææ. øø. åå.. Fikk du ingen råd fra fysioterapeuten??!

Ææ. øø. åå.. Fikk du ingen råd fra fysioterapeuten??!


Niks, for det var ikkje derfor eg var der..'

Det var berre eit spørsmål i forbifarten..

Eller, jo eg fekk rådet om å søke på Internett etter info..

Og det har eg jo gjort..



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